TRIP AROUND THE WORLD 2003. (USA, Fiji, New Zealand and Japan)
This report is in the first place intended for relatives, friends and acquaintances. Maybe not always
interesting for everybody. The pictures of our trip that are photographically more interesting will
be shown under RECENT. (To be continued)
33. Our rental camper. It's a Mercedes van, the model is made in Korea by the Ssangyong factories. We stayed for one night at this farm campsite. We were the only guests as usual, because it was winter season. A nice place, north of Napier at the beach.
34. Sometimes we were in an uninhabited place towards the evening. The next campsite was still a couple of hours drive. Because of the winter it was dark very early. At this place we camped along a river. From 5 o'clock till 8 in the morning we didn't see or hear an other car.
35. We always looked for the nicest spots to stop for coffee, lunch or tea. Ranto learned to play cards during the holidays. In the background the volcano Taranaki. (Mount Egmont)
36. A Marae. A Maori meeting place.
37. Close-up of the previous picture. The Maori still make beautiful wood sculptures.
38. The beaches are often full with this kind of beautiful tree-stumps. I can imagine that the Maori found inspiration in this. The similarity in the twisting forms is striking. We met a man who made all kinds of artifacts and furniture from it.