Aarde, water, vuur en luchtAarde, water, vuur en luchtAarde, water, vuur en luchtAarde, water, vuur en lucht

Zenmiru is a tri-lingual e-zine with a different perspective on photography.

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Hyundai H100
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Land Rover 109

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©  all pictures
Henk Bakker

eXTReMe Tracker

1010. Farm in Iceland 10.

This picture has been seen
248 times
1010. Iceland, August 15, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1009. Beach in Iceland 5.

This picture has been seen
250 times
1009. Iceland, August 15, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1008. Beach in Iceland 4.

This picture has been seen
239 times
1008. The beaches in Iceland usually have a darkbrown or black coulour (lava sand), but because the wet sand reflects the blue sky, it looks as if the sand is blue.
The "real" coulour can be seen in picture nr. 1006.

Iceland, August 15, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1007. Beach in Iceland 3.

This picture has been seen
252 times
1007. Iceland, August 15, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1006. Beach in Iceland 2.

This picture has been seen
251 times
1006. Iceland, August 15, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1005. Beach in Iceland 1.

This picture has been seen
264 times
1005. Iceland, August 15, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1004. Landscape in Iceland 58.

This picture has been seen
244 times
1004. Iceland, August 15, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1003. Old hospital 8.

This picture has been seen
263 times
1003. Iceland, August 15, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1002. Old hospital 7.

This picture has been seen
230 times
1002. Iceland, August 15, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1001. Old hospital 6.

This picture has been seen
255 times
1001. Iceland, August 15, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1000. Old hospital 5.

This picture has been seen
224 times
1000. The outside of the hospital is made of corrugated metal.

Iceland, August 15, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

999. Old hospital 4.

This picture has been seen
289 times
999. A small annex to the hospital.

Iceland, August 15, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

998. Old hospital 3.

This picture has been seen
271 times
998. With a lower viewpoint the picture gets a totally different atmosphere.

Iceland, August 15, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

997. Old hospital 2.

This picture has been seen
261 times
997. The sign on the hospital reads:
Franskt Islenskt verkefni verndun spitalans.
Chantier Franco-Islandais sauvegarde de l'hopital.
French Icelandic project preservation of the hospital.

They are apparently not in a hurry, because the sign itself could do with a restauration.
Anyway, in this state the building is more interesting for photographs.

Iceland, August 15, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

996. Old hospital 1.

This picture has been seen
223 times
996. Fáskrúðsfjörður was the main port for French fishermen in the 1900s in East Iceland both prior to and well after the turn of the century. At Fáskrúðsfjörður there was a French consul, a French hospital and a French chapel. The street names are still in Icelandic and in French:

Iceland, August 15, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

995. Village in Iceland 12.

This picture has been seen
240 times
995. Iceland, August 15, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

994. Village in Iceland 11.

This picture has been seen
258 times
994. Iceland, August 15, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

993. Village in Iceland 10.

This picture has been seen
277 times
993. Iceland, August 15, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

992. Aluminium plant 3.

This picture has been seen
278 times
992. With a slightly different framing usually a very different atmosphere can be created.

Iceland, August 15, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

991. Aluminium plant 2.

This picture has been seen
249 times
991. A small village was built especially for the construction workers of the plant.

Iceland, August 15, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

990. Aluminium plant 1.

This picture has been seen
251 times
990. In Eastern Iceland a huge aluminium plant is being built. For the production of aluminium a lot of electricity is needed. Especially for this they are constructing a dam.

Iceland, August 15, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

989. Village in Iceland 9.

This picture has been seen
217 times
989. Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

988. Village in Iceland 8.

This picture has been seen
239 times
988. Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

987. Village in Iceland 7.

This picture has been seen
222 times
987. Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

986. Village in Iceland 6.

This picture has been seen
250 times
986. Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

985. Village in Iceland 5.

This picture has been seen
255 times
985. Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

984. Village in Iceland 4.

This picture has been seen
223 times
984. Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

983. Village in Iceland 3.

This picture has been seen
224 times
983. Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

980. Landscape in Iceland 57.

This picture has been seen
248 times
980. See also picture nr. 312, follow this link:
Seven years difference.

Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

979. Stones.

This picture has been seen
279 times
979. Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

978. Landscape in Iceland 56.

This picture has been seen
264 times
978. Or should I call it a seascape?

Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

977. Landscape in Iceland 55.

This picture has been seen
251 times
977. Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

976. Tunnel in Iceland 2.

This picture has been seen
249 times
976. This tunnel descends steeply after the entrance. There are a few spots where it is wider, so you can pass oncoming traffic.

Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

975. Tunnel in Iceland 1.

This picture has been seen
280 times
975. Or previous camper-van at the entrance of a tunnel.

Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

974. Moss 13.

This picture has been seen
249 times
974. Moss along the road-side.

Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

973. Landscape in Iceland 54.

This picture has been seen
266 times
973. The car at the bottom of the picture gives a good idea of the grandure of the Icelandic landscape.

Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

972. Landscape in Iceland 53.

This picture has been seen
265 times
972. Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

971. Landscape in Iceland 52.

This picture has been seen
233 times
971. Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

970. Landscape in Iceland 51.

This picture has been seen
258 times
970. Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

969. Landscape in Iceland 50.

This picture has been seen
234 times
969. Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

968. Landscape in Iceland 49.

This picture has been seen
223 times
968. Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

967. Road in Iceland 11.

This picture has been seen
260 times
967. The road is wet after a shower and reflects almost all the light.

Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

966. Landscape in Iceland 48.

This picture has been seen
257 times
966. Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

Beautiful pictures of reflections:

965. Farm in Iceland 9.

This picture has been seen
256 times
965. The same farm as in the previous picture.

Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

964. Farm in Iceland 8.

This picture has been seen
229 times
964. Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

Kinetic Art by Theo Jansen:

963. Farmyard in Iceland 15.

This picture has been seen
262 times
963. Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

962. Farmyard in Iceland 14.

This picture has been seen
287 times
962. I don't know if this ruin has been in use as a home or as a barn. Both is possible. In the background a small cimetary. On this kind of cimetaries you often see some small trees. Usually they don't get much bigger than this.

Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

961. Farmyard in Iceland 13.

This picture has been seen
246 times
961. I don't know the brand. Anybody else?

Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

Original idea, how many do you recognize? (don't crib)

960. Farmyard in Iceland 12.

This picture has been seen
223 times
960. Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker

959. Farmyard in Iceland 11.

This picture has been seen
232 times
959. The complementary coulours red and green enhance each other.

Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker

958. Farmyard in Iceland 10.

This picture has been seen
250 times
958. Cabin of the old GMC truck (or lorry as they say in Britain) It is the truck om the left in the previous picture.

Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker

957. Farmyard in Iceland 9.

This picture has been seen
260 times
957. Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker

956. Farmyard in Iceland 8.

This picture has been seen
222 times
956. Still from the time cars had real bumpers.

Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker

955. Farmyard in Iceland 7.

This picture has been seen
239 times
955. When I was taking this series, I was a little disgruntled. It had been raining all day. In hindsight this turned out to be a blessing, the coulours became nice and bright because of the rain.

Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker

954. Farmyard in Iceland 6.

This picture has been seen
224 times
954. The windshield from the outside.

Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker

953. Farmyard in Iceland 5.

This picture has been seen
255 times
953. Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker

Bizarre humour, especially the animations are sublime.

952. Farmyard in Iceland 4.

This picture has been seen
224 times
952. Actually this farmyard is a kind of unintentional

Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker

951. Farmyard in Iceland 3.

This picture has been seen
222 times
951. Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker

950. Farmyard in Iceland 2.

This picture has been seen
227 times
950. Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

949. Farmyard in Iceland 1.

This picture has been seen
237 times
949. For me, taking pictures of rusty junk is always a very inspiring pass-time. Black is a very difficult coulour to capture in a photograph, but the rain gave the tractor tires a beautiful shine, which made them stand out more. As a photographer of "junk" you usually meet with a lot of misunderstanding from onlookers.

Iceland, August 14, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

For those who like the music of Sigur Ros, the film Heima can now be watched on Youtube:

948. Icelandic landscape 47.

This picture has been seen
198 times
948. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

The zodiac in beautiful body painting:

947. Road in Iceland 10.

This picture has been seen
241 times
947. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

946. Reykjahlid 34.

This picture has been seen
230 times
946. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

945. Reykjahlid 33.

This picture has been seen
255 times
945. The soil is hot enough to fry an egg. On the right side of the middle it looks like somebody did just that, but that is a freak of nature.

Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

Optical illusions etc.

944. Reykjahlid 32.

This picture has been seen
198 times
944. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

Cats too can take pictures:

943. Reykjahlid 31.

This picture has been seen
191 times
943. Evening light.
Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

942. Reykjahlid 30.

This picture has been seen
220 times
942. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

941. Reykjahlid 29.

This picture has been seen
215 times
941. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)


911. Reykjahlid 28.

This picture has been seen
191 times
911. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

910. Reykjahlid 27.

This picture has been seen
205 times
910. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

909. Reykjahlid 26.

This picture has been seen
207 times
909. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

Guestlink, especially the pictures 5 and 6 of Close Looks 1 are really magnificent:

908. Reykjahlid 25.

This picture has been seen
209 times
908. Our son Ranto testing Global Warming. The lake on the right contains very hot water and the soil is nice and warm.

Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

907. Reykjahlid 24.

This picture has been seen
223 times
907. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

906. Reykjahlid 23.

This picture has been seen
206 times
906. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

905. Reykjahlid 22.

This picture has been seen
208 times
905. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

904. Reykjahlid 21.

This picture has been seen
206 times
904. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

903. Reykjahlid 20.

This picture has been seen
219 times
903. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

872. Reykjahlid 19.

This picture has been seen
212 times
872. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

871. Reykjahlid 18.

This picture has been seen
228 times
871. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

870. Reykjahlid 17.

This picture has been seen
221 times
870. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

869. Reykjahlid 16.

This picture has been seen
232 times
869. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

868. Reykjahlid 15.

This picture has been seen
217 times
868. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

867. Reykjahlid 14.

This picture has been seen
248 times
867. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

866. Reykjahlid 13.

This picture has been seen
231 times
866. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

865. Reykjahlid 12.

This picture has been seen
211 times
865. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

Business as usual:

864. Reykjahlid 11.

This picture has been seen
248 times
864. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

863. Reykjahlid 10.

This picture has been seen
212 times
863. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

862. Reykjahlid 9.

This picture has been seen
214 times
862. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

841. Reykjahlid 8.

This picture has been seen
213 times
841. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

840. Reykjahlid 7.

This picture has been seen
197 times
840. Our old camper van.

Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

839. Road in Iceland 9.

This picture has been seen
268 times
839. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

838. Icelandic landscape 46.

This picture has been seen
452 times
838. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

837. Icelandic landscape 45.

This picture has been seen
240 times
837. This soil is so hot, it's emitting steam.

Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

826. Lava field 4.

This picture has been seen
236 times
826. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

825. Rope lava 5.

This picture has been seen
305 times
825. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

824. Rope lava 4.

This picture has been seen
224 times
824. Iceland, August 13, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

823. Road in Iceland 8.

This picture has been seen
238 times
823. Iceland, August 12, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

822. Road in Iceland 7.

This picture has been seen
273 times
822. Iceland, August 12, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

821. Road in Iceland 6.

This picture has been seen
274 times
821. Iceland, August 12, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

820. Icelandic landscape 44.

This picture has been seen
271 times
820. Iceland, August 12, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

819. Icelandic landscape 43.

This picture has been seen
234 times
819. Iceland, August 12, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

818. Icelandic landscape 42.

This picture has been seen
248 times
818. Iceland, August 12, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

817. Icelandic landscape 41.

This picture has been seen
247 times
817. The colours in this Icelandic landscape are very similar to the rust colours in picture 814.

Iceland, August 12, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

809. House in Iceland 3.

This picture has been seen
253 times
809. Iceland, August 11, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

808. House in Iceland 2.

This picture has been seen
223 times
808. This house is not far from the sea, usually there is a strong, cold wind. The tree is exactly in the shelter of the house.

Iceland, August 11, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

807. Skies over Iceland 11.

This picture has been seen
236 times
807. Iceland, August 11, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

806. Asbyrgi 10.

This picture has been seen
249 times
806. Iceland, August 11, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

805. Asbyrgi 9.

This picture has been seen
200 times
805. Iceland, August 11, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

804. Asbyrgi 8.

This picture has been seen
195 times
804. Iceland, August 11, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

803. Asbyrgi 7.

This picture has been seen
205 times
803. Iceland, August 11, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

802. Asbyrgi 6.

This picture has been seen
209 times
802. Iceland, August 11, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

801. Asbyrgi 5.

This picture has been seen
202 times
801. Iceland, August 11, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

800. Asbyrgi 4.

This picture has been seen
195 times
800. Iceland, August 11, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

799. Asbyrgi 3.

This picture has been seen
206 times
799. Iceland, August 11, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

798. Asbyrgi 2.

This picture has been seen
193 times
798. Iceland, August 11, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

797. Asbyrgi 1.

This picture has been seen
204 times
797. Asbyrgi is part of the area called Jökulsárgljúfur.
Personally I find this one of the most beautiful places in Iceland.

Iceland, August 11, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

796. Dettifoss 7.

This picture has been seen
195 times
796. Iceland, August 11, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

795. Dettifoss 6.

This picture has been seen
202 times
795. Iceland, August 11, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

794. Dettifoss 5.

This picture has been seen
208 times
794. Iceland, August 11, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

793. Dettifoss 4.

This picture has been seen
213 times
793. Iceland, August 11, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

792. Dettifoss 3.

This picture has been seen
202 times
792. The interesting thing about Dettifoss is, that you can get very close to the raging water.

Iceland, August 11, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

791. Dettifoss 2.

This picture has been seen
197 times
791. Iceland, August 11, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

790. Dettifoss 1.

This picture has been seen
181 times
The Dettofoss is a spectacular waterfall.
Foss= waterfall.
It was raining and a lot of spray from the waterfall was blowing over the visitors.

Iceland, August 11, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

789. Reykjahlid 6.

This picture has been seen
211 times
789. Iceland, August 10, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

788. Reykjahlid 5.

This picture has been seen
207 times
788. A hole with boiling hot mud. The mud is constantly moving and causes beautiful graphic shapes.

Iceland, August 10, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

787. Reykjahlid 4.

This picture has been seen
210 times
787. Iceland, August 10, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

786. Reykjahlid 3.

This picture has been seen
208 times
786. This soil is too hot to touch. The coulours are made by all kinds of sulphur compounds.

Iceland, August 10, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

785. Reykjahlid 2.

This picture has been seen
204 times
785. Iceland, August 10, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

784. Reykjahlid 1.

This picture has been seen
202 times
784. A bubbling hole with hot mud.
Reykjahlid is just east of Myvatn.
Reykjahlid= smoke hill and Myvatn= mosquito lake.
The mosquitoes or midges are very annoying but do not sting.

Iceland, August 10, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

783. Lichen 2.

This picture has been seen
216 times
783. Iceland, August 10, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

782. Lichen 1.

This picture has been seen
208 times
782. Iceland, August 10, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

781. Icelandic landscape 40.

This picture has been seen
371 times
781. Iceland, August 10, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

780. Farm in Iceland 7.

This picture has been seen
232 times
780. In Iceland the mailman also delivers tires.
Almost all farms have names.
Some of these farm names even have become names of towns.
Many of these names go back to viking times.
Gardur means: garden.
The fourth letter sounds like the th in the.

Iceland, August 10, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

779. Rope lava 3.

This picture has been seen
241 times
779. Iceland, August 10, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

778. Lava field 3.

This picture has been seen
221 times
778. Same spot as in the previous picture, only this one was taken straight down.

Iceland, August 10, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

777. Lava field 2.

This picture has been seen
248 times
777. Iceland, August 10, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

776. Lava field 1.

This picture has been seen
232 times
776. Iceland, August 10, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

775. Rope lava 2.

This picture has been seen
302 times
775. A tree and some moss succeeded in making roots in this hostile environment.

Iceland, August 10, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

774. Rope lava 1.

This picture has been seen
353 times
774. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lava#P.C4.81hoehoe

Iceland, August 10, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

773. Reflection of evening sky 2.

This picture has been seen
236 times
773. Iceland, August 9, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

772. Village in Iceland 2.

This picture has been seen
247 times
772. Iceland, August 9, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

771. Reflection of evening sky 1.

This picture has been seen
243 times
771. Iceland, August 9, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

770. Moss 12.

This picture has been seen
238 times
770. Iceland, August 9, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

769. Icelandic landscape 38.

This picture has been seen
255 times
769. Iceland, August 9, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

768. Village in Iceland 1.

This picture has been seen
254 times
768. Iceland, August 9, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

767. Icelandic landscape 37.

This picture has been seen
217 times
767. Iceland, August 9, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

766. Road in Iceland 5.

This picture has been seen
241 times
766. Iceland, August 9, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

765. Farm in Iceland 6.

This picture has been seen
255 times
765. Iceland, August 9, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

764. Icelandic landscape 36.

This picture has been seen
213 times
764. Iceland, August 9, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

763. Icelandic landscape 35.

This picture has been seen
267 times
763. Iceland, August 9, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

762. Icelandic landscape 34.

This picture has been seen
235 times
762. Iceland, August 9, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

761. Beeches.

This picture has been seen
219 times
761. Iceland, August 9, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

760. Farm in Iceland 5.

This picture has been seen
217 times
760. Iceland, August 6, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

759. Farm in Iceland 4.

This picture has been seen
220 times
759. The lightspot moved very slowly through the landscape, unfortunately not in the direction of the farm.

Iceland, August 6, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

758. Farm in Iceland 3.

This picture has been seen
250 times
Iceland, August 6, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

757. Road in Iceland 4.

This picture has been seen
230 times
757. A very passable unpaved road.

Iceland, August 6, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

756. Road in Iceland 3.

This picture has been seen
238 times
756. Cycling in Iceland is predominantly done by tourists. Here you see a farmer on a bicycle.

Iceland, August 6, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

755. Moss 11.

This picture has been seen
232 times
Iceland, August 6, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

754. Icelandic landscape 34.

This picture has been seen
228 times
Iceland, August 6, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

753. Moss 10.

This picture has been seen
227 times
Iceland, August 6, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

752. Icelandic landscape 34.

This picture has been seen
258 times
752. The angry troll-woman.

Iceland, August 6, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

751. Icelandic landscape 33.

This picture has been seen
204 times
Iceland, August 6, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

750. Icelandic landscape 32.

This picture has been seen
244 times
Iceland, August 6, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

The Dutch Socialist Party: SP has a very original way of canvassing:

749. Icelandic landscape 31.

This picture has been seen
204 times
Iceland, August 6, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

748. Icelandic landscape 30.

This picture has been seen
234 times
748. You get the nicest light in a landscape with a partly clouded sky. The variation of light and shadow makes for a lively landscape. The background looks very close, but in reality it's quite far away.

Iceland, August 6, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

747. Road in Iceland 2.

This picture has been seen
269 times
747. This is an unpaved road. Roads like this can be very variable in quality. When the road has just been graded it has a perfect surface. Only a bit dusty when dry and muddy when wet. But after some time potholes and washboard will appear. Washboard is very annoying. You can either drive very slowly, and then you feel every ripple, or very fast, but then it is bad for the suspension.

Iceland, August 6, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

746. Icelandic landscape 29.

This picture has been seen
259 times
Iceland, August 6, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

745. Moss 9.

This picture has been seen
234 times
Iceland, August 6, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

744. Moss 8.

This picture has been seen
232 times
Iceland, August 6, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

743. Moss 7.

This picture has been seen
219 times
Iceland, August 6, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

742. Moss 6.

This picture has been seen
234 times
742. The wetter the moss is, the lighter the colour green.

Iceland, August 6, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

741. Icelandic landscape 28.

This picture has been seen
233 times
Iceland, August 6, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

740. Farm in Iceland 2.

This picture has been seen
235 times
740. This picture was taken through the wet car window during a shower. It looks a little bit like a painting.

Iceland, August 6, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

739. Icelandic landscape 27.

This picture has been seen
262 times
Iceland, August 6, 2006

738. Church in Iceland 1.

This picture has been seen
263 times
738. Only the front is wood, the rest is made of turf.

Iceland, August 6, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

737. Farm in Iceland 1.

This picture has been seen
226 times
737. Farm on the edge of a fiord.

Iceland, August 4, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

736. Icelandic landscape 26.

This picture has been seen
243 times
736. Icelandic horse and a ditch with hot water.

Iceland, August 4, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

735. Road in Iceland 1.

This picture has been seen
260 times
735. Solution Enigmaphoto.
Grey mud on our white camper van. When it rains, unpaved roads in Iceland can become really muddy. Fortunately at all petrol stations you can wash your car free of charge.

Iceland, August 4, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

734. Enigmaphoto.

This picture has been seen
239 times
734. What do you see in this picture?
If you think you know the answer you can post it in the guestbook.
To-morrow I will post the answer.

Iceland, August 4, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

733. Moss 5.

This picture has been seen
240 times
Iceland, August 4, 2006

732. Moss 4.

This picture has been seen
225 times
Iceland, August 4, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

731. Icelandic landscape 25.

This picture has been seen
265 times
Iceland, August 4, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

730. Icelandic landscape 24.

This picture has been seen
248 times
Iceland, August 4, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

729. Icelandic landscape 23.

This picture has been seen
233 times
729. The Icelandic landscape can be incredibly colourful.

Iceland, August 4, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

728. House in Iceland 1.

This picture has been seen
263 times
728. This house was still made the "old fashioned" way. In the past houses in the countryside were often made like this. The material is readily available and the insulation is very good.

Iceland, August 4, 2006

727. Skies over Iceland 10.

This picture has been seen
272 times
Iceland, August 4, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

726. Skies over Iceland 9.

This picture has been seen
233 times
Iceland, August 4, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

725. Skies over Iceland 8.

This picture has been seen
219 times
Iceland, August 4, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

724. Skies over Iceland 7.

This picture has been seen
216 times
Iceland, August 4, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

723. Skies over Iceland 6.

This picture has been seen
231 times
723. Typical Icelandic sky.

Iceland, August 4, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

722. Snaefellsnes 12.

This picture has been seen
213 times
722. We spent the night on one of those gravel fields you can find in many places in Iceland. In the morning we woke because our camper was shaking violently, my first thought was: an earthquake. There were some cows using our camper as a rubbing post, they also were licking the windows.

Iceland, August 4, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

721. Snaefellsnes 11.

This picture has been seen
223 times
721. Green, green and green again.

Iceland, August 4, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

720. Snaefellsnes 10.

This picture has been seen
194 times
720. Mud flats at the end of a fiord.
Iceland, August 4, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

719. Skies over Iceland 5.

This picture has been seen
246 times
719. Some more evening light.

Iceland, August 4, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

718. Skies over Iceland 4.

This picture has been seen
209 times
718. Soft light of a low sun.

Iceland, August 4, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

717. Skies over Iceland 3.

This picture has been seen
226 times
717. The evening of a very fruitful day for photography.

Iceland, August 2, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

Beautiful video art and very funny on top of that.

716. Skies over Iceland 2.

This picture has been seen
204 times
716. It's very difficult to estimate distances when there are no man-made objects to be seen.

Iceland, August 2, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

715. Skies over Iceland 1.

This picture has been seen
214 times
715. Iceland is a country of spectacular panoramas. In the foreground two stripes of sunlight, one on the hay bales and one on the farm. Often it's just a matter of waiting for a few minutes to get just the light you want.

Iceland, August 2, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

714. Snaefellsnes 9.

This picture has been seen
215 times
714. This is the reflection of the blue sky in the small pool of the previous picture.

Iceland, August 2, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

713. Snaefellsnes 8.

This picture has been seen
208 times
713. Footpath on the north west side of Snaefellsjökull.

Iceland, August 2, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

712. Snaefellsnes 7.

This picture has been seen
188 times
712. The vast desolation on the westcoast of Snaefellsnes.

Iceland, August 2, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

711. Snaefellsnes 6.

This picture has been seen
434 times
711. Moss covered lava field.

Iceland, August 2, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

710. Snaefellsnes 5.

This picture has been seen
279 times
710. Waterfall, taken with an exposure of 1/3 of a second, the advantage of a VR-lens is that you can still take pictures handheld with very long exposure times. The waterfall was completely in the shadow. On top right en bottom right there is just a little bit of sunshine to be seen.

Iceland, August 2, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

709. Snaefelsjökull 12.

This picture has been seen
200 times
709. The glacier as seen from the west.

Iceland, August 2, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

708. Snaefellsnes 4.

This picture has been seen
217 times
708. A small crater west of Snaefellsjökull. The road is just wide enough for a car, the path on the mountain is only for pedestrians. On the right side an enormous amount of gravel has been dug out in the past. Things like that are probably not allowed any more now.

Iceland, August 2, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

707. Snaefellsnes 3.

This picture has been seen
197 times
707. The sun shining through a crack btween the rocks. In the background lava stone overgrown with moss.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

706. Rust 8.

This picture has been seen
218 times
706. "Here's lookin' at you kid"

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

705. Rust and stones 2.

This picture has been seen
214 times
705. I made a few different compositions. I like this one more than the previous one. Here you have the feeling that the spiral is infinite, there might be more and bigger rocks outside of the frame.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

704. Rust and stones 1.

This picture has been seen
229 times
704. It took me quite a while to make this picture.
First I looked for a piece of metal that was positioned in the right way to the incoming sunlight.
Then I looked for stones with a pleasing form and with different sizes.
I arranged the stones in a way to form a spiral and so that the shadows would not touch the other stones.
I wanted to make a balanced composition, the stones, the shadows and the spaces in between had to form a pleasing and balanced composition.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

703. Rust 7.

This picture has been seen
196 times
703. It's fascinating to see that something as strong as steel slowly fails under the influence of salt moving sea water. It just returns to the earth.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

702. Rust 6.

This picture has been seen
218 times
702. An old rivet slowly desolves into small pieces.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

701. Rust 5.

This picture has been seen
203 times
701. Because of the shadows this is a somewhat mysterious picture. At first sight it's not quite clear what you see.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

700. Rust 4.

This picture has been seen
205 times
700. Not all pieces of scrap are suitable for an interesting picture. It has to have a nice texture, the light has to be right, and it should be possible that a good composition can be made of it.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

699. Rust 3.

This picture has been seen
206 times
699. Years ago on a small beach on the west coast of Snaefellsnes a ship ran ashore. The parts are scattered all over the beach as a kind of monument. There is even a sign with the request to leave everything as it is. The coming days a number of "rustic" photographs.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

698. Rust 2.

This picture has been seen
204 times
698. An old tractor seat now being used as a seat on the quay.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

697. Rust 1.

This picture has been seen
206 times
697. A rusty wheel in a harbour of Snaefellsnes. I'm always fascinated by the beautiful colours that are caused by rusting.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

696. Snaefellsjökull 11.

This picture has been seen
216 times
696. The mountain as seen from the south west.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)


695. Snaefellsnes 2.

This picture has been seen
180 times
695. Rock with sea birds.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

694. Snaefellsnes 1.

This picture has been seen
185 times
694. Snaefellsnes, snae-fells-nes means snow-rock-peninsula, this is the peninsula on which the Snaefellsjökull is located. The water is crystal clear.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

693. Snaefellsjökull 10.

This picture has been seen
197 times
693. As for the moss this could almost be a black-and-white photograph.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

692. Snaefellsjökull 9.

This picture has been seen
189 times
************Best wishes for 2007***********

692. You can see moss in a lot of different shades of green. The wetter, the more intense is the colour. Dry moss usually looks kind of grey, but with one drop of water it turns green within seconds. The beautiful blue sky is reflected in the small stream.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

691. Snaefellsjökull 8.

This picture has been seen
197 times
691. Water has been found on Mars.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

690. Snaefellsjökull 7.

This picture has been seen
208 times
690. Mythical bird.
In situations like this you cannot trust your lightmeter. There is a lot of light coming from the snow and hardly any from the black rock material. The contrast between the snow and the mountain is very high. I took a spot metering from the snow with the diagonal shadow lines and I based my exposure on that. In Photoshop I lowered the contrast and raised the brightness.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

689. Snaefellsjökull 6.

This picture has been seen
182 times
689. Two trolls having an argument.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

688. Snaefellsjökull 5.

This picture has been seen
212 times
688. Sometimes it looks as if the snow has been painted on the rocks by Savador Dali.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

687. Snaefellsjökull 4.

This picture has been seen
200 times
687. This is the road that passes on the east side of the glacier. Nowhere else we could feel the mystic atmosphere of Iceland more than here. There is only a 5 minute time difference with the previous picture.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

686. Snaefellsjökull 3.

This picture has been seen
198 times
686. Fog alternating with a beautiful blue sky.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

685. Snaefellsjökull 2.

This picture has been seen
234 times
*********MERRY CHRISTMAS*************************

685. A white Christmas after all.
In the distance the top of the Snaefellsjökull.
This was a beautiful day, wisps of fog alternating with full sunshine. This was the best day in Iceland regarding photography.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

684. Snaefellsjökull 1.

This picture has been seen
223 times
684. The road going up to Snaefellsjökull.
Snae-fells-jökull, snow-rock-glacier is a small glacier in western Iceland. Because of the low-hanging clouds almost all colour has disappeared from the landscape.
We visited almost every country in Europe with our camper van.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

683. Icelandic landscape 22.

This picture has been seen
247 times
683. Zoomed in version of picture 682. The previous picture is exposed in a way that fore- and background are still reasonably exposed. This photograph is only exposed for the background.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

682. Icelandic landscape 21.

This picture has been seen
235 times
682. It was a rather gloomy day, all of a sudden we saw in the distance the sea and sunshine.

Iceland, August 1, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

681. Icelandic landscape 20.

This picture has been seen
237 times
681. One could dedicate a whole series to the phenomenon of hay bales in plastic.

Iceland, July 31, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

680. Icelandic landscape 19.

This picture has been seen
322 times
680. Another one of those typical Icelandic zen landscapes.

Iceland, July 31, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

679. Icelandic landscape 18.

This picture has been seen
258 times
679. Icelandic horses usually are allowed to roam free. This picture is a good illustration of Icelandic weather. One moment beautiful clear weather with sunshine, but past the next hill rain and fog. The weather can sometimes change every 5 minutes.

Iceland, July 31, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

678. Concert Sigur Rós 10.

This picture has been seen
243 times
678. Jón Birgisson playing his guitar with a bow.

Iceland, July 30, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

677. Concert Sigur Rós 9.

This picture has been seen
219 times
677. Attention for a helicopter in the sky. The helicopter was probably used for tv-registration.

Iceland, July 30, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

676. Concert Sigur Rós 8.

This picture has been seen
204 times
676. He had a good view on the shoulders of his father. It was a very mixed audience, parents with children, young and old, male and female.

Iceland, July 30, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

675. Concert Sigur Rós 7.

This picture has been seen
210 times
675. A striking face between all the blonde Icelandic women. This is an enlargement of about 1/8 of the original frame. Here too I could not zoom in anymore nor get any closer.

Iceland, July 30, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

674. Concert Sigur Rós 6.

This picture has been seen
216 times
674. They came to see and to be seen.

Iceland, July 30, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

673. Concert Sigur Rós 5.

This picture has been seen
220 times
673. When you trust your light meter in a case like this, you'll get a bad result. The big spot shines straight into the lens. First I zoomed in and measured the light on the singer, and then I zoomed out again and took the picture.

Iceland, July 30, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)


672. Concert Sigur Rós 4.

This picture has been seen
207 times
672. Here again attention was not focussed on the stage.

Iceland, July 30, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

671. Concert Sigur Rós 3.

This picture has been seen
213 times
671. During the concert there was not only interest in the music but also for each other.

Iceland, July 30, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

670. Concert Sigur Rós 2.

This picture has been seen
230 times
670. The concert of the Icelandic band Sigur Rós.

Iceland, July 30, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

669. Concert Sigur Rós 1.

This picture has been seen
197 times
669. Lead singer and guitarist Jón Birgisson of the Icelandic band Sigur Rós.
The coming days pictures of the free concert of sunday night July 31, 2006 in Miklatún, a park in Reykjavik. The concert was also broadcast live on radio and tv. There was very little light, hardly enough for tv-registration. The band likes a mysterious atmosphere also regarding the lighting.

Technical data.
Camera: Nikon D50.
Lens: Nikon AFS DX VR 18-200mm 3.5-5.6G
ISO: 1600 (maximum)
Focal length: 200 mm (maximum)
Aperture: 5.6 (maximum opening with 200 mm)
Exposure time: 1/15 of a second.
With the ISO and the aperture I couln't go any further, so the only option was the lowering of the shutter speed.
Here the VR (Vibration Reduction) of the lens demonstrated itself. I was wobbling on my toes in order to be able to photograph a moving singer over the heads of the people in front of me. It was impossible to freeze the motion of the right hand with this shutter speed, but it adds to the dynamics of the picture. With a normal lens at 1/15 and 200mm (300mm in 35mm) a picture like this would have been impossible.
I cut away about half of the frame (left, right and top) in Photoshop, because I couldn't zoom in anymore or go closer when I took the picture. There was no further treatment with PS, except a little sharpening.

Iceland, July 30, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

668. Icelandic landscape 17.

This picture has been seen
224 times
668. In Iceland in the summer you never know exactly if you are watching a sunset or a sunrise. The sun disappears behind the horizon for a certain time depending on the date, but the sky never turns completely dark.

Iceland, July 29, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

667. Icelandic landscape 16.

This picture has been seen
224 times
667. The lighthouse of Reykjanes, the sun has set already, this light is reflected by the clouds and the sky. Because Iceland is very northerly, the sun sets very late in the summer. The sunset lasts very long too, because it sets very slowly, this in contrast with the areas around the equator where the sun sets vertically or almost vertically.
See also picture nr. 1 in Archives of May 2005:

Iceland, July 29, 2006
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

666. Icelandic landscape 15.

This picture has been seen
251 times
666. Just before sunset.
Near the lighthouse of Reykjanes.

Iceland, July 29, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

665. Icelandic landscape 14.

This picture has been seen
241 times
665. This photograph was taken from the same position as picture 664, I zoomed in on the part in he middle. So it is possible to get a completely different feeling just by using a different focal length.

Iceland, July 29, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

664. Icelandic landscape 13.

This picture has been seen
210 times
664. Close to the lighthouse of Reykjanes.
The point in the distance is where the southcoast and the westcoast of Iceland meet.

Iceland, July 29, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

663. Gunnahver 3.

This picture has been seen
242 times
663. Hot earth.

Iceland, July 29, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

648. Gunnahver 2.

This picture has been seen
249 times
648. With this photograph, as opposite to picture 647, I waited till the lighthouse was still just visible through the steam.
Gunna is an Icelandic name.
Hver means: steam or hot spring.
The geographical names in Iceland look very exotic on first sight, but they are a lot easier than you would think. I've got a list of about 120 words which enable you to understand most geographic names.
Reykjavik means smoke bay (Vik is bay)
Reykjanes means smoke peninsula.

Iceland, July 29, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

Beautiful photography and a graphically well designed site, it's a combination which is unfortunately not very common on internet:

647. Gunnahver 1.

This picture has been seen
235 times
647. This area is in the most south-westerly point of Iceland. In the background the lighthouse of Reykjanes. It took some patience to get the steam exactly so that the view to the lighthouse was open.

Iceland, July 29, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

646. Blue Lagoon 2.

This picture has been seen
200 times
646. The boiling hot water that comes out of the ground is first used for the turbines to generate electricity. Then it passes through a heat exchanger. That heat is used for the heating of the houses in Reykjavik, then it ends up in this lake. You can scoop up the white stuff yourself from between the rocks.

Iceland, July 29, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

645. Blue Lagoon 1.

This picture has been seen
206 times
645. Blue Lagoon, Bláa Lónið in Icelandic is a swimming pool not far from the airport Kevlavik. Seawater is pumped into the ground and geothermically heated, then it is led through the electricity plant in the back. After that it is drained into this lake. The water still has a temperature of 39 degrees centigrade. It is rich in minerals and is supposed to be good for the skin. The man in the background covered his neck and shoulders with it.

Iceland, July 29, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

644. Icelandic landscape 13.

This picture has been seen
204 times
644. Here I used the repeating shapes in the landscape. Because there is no sunlight on the hill in front a feeling of depth was created. In Iceland you usually only have to wait for a few minutes to get the light you want.

Iceland, July 29, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

643. Cairns 2.

This picture has been seen
221 times
643. Same place, same time, but in silhouette. This picture was exposed in such a way to get much detail in the sky, that's why all the detail is gone from the rocks. Picture 462 on the other hand was exposed for the rocks and so all the detail is gone from the sky. The contrast range between rocks and sky is much too great to be captured in one photograph.

Iceland, July 29, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

642. Cairns 1.

This picture has been seen
244 times
642. These stone piles were built by tourists. In earlier days they were made to mark the road, but now it has become a touristic pastime.

Iceland, July 29, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

641. Krysuvik. 4.

This picture has been seen
236 times
641. Top left you can just see a part of Kleivarvatn. Vatn means lake or water in Icelandic. In Old Norse vatn means water, it is connected to the English word water.

Iceland, July 29, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

640. Krysuvik. 3.

This picture has been seen
242 times
640. Duckboard through a hot area, your feet stay dry and cool and the vulnerable surroundings stay unspoiled.

Iceland, July 29, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

639. Krysuvik. 2.

This picture has been seen
231 times
639. A small stream with hot water.
On the rocks all kinds of colourful mineral deposits.

Iceland, July 29, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

638. Krysuvik. 1.

This picture has been seen
235 times
638. Solfatares and fumaroles south of Reykjavik.

Iceland, July 29, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

637. Icelandic landscape 12.

This picture has been seen
213 times
637. A characteristic secundary road. Loose gravel and washboard.

Iceland, July 29, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

636. Gullfoss 4.

This picture has been seen
201 times
636. The feeling you have when close to a large waterfall cannot be conveyed in a photograph.
Vertigo when you come too close to the edge.
Fear of sliding on the slippery stones and falling down into the churning water.
The overwhelming sound.
The constant fear you or your camera might get drenched by the spray.
The nice fresh air.

Iceland, July 28, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

635. Gullfoss 3.

This picture has been seen
201 times
635. The waterfall during a shower.

Iceland, July 28, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

634. Gullfoss 2.

This picture has been seen
246 times
634. In the background the waterfall.

Iceland, July 28, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

633. Gullfoss 1.

This picture has been seen
198 times
633. Gullfoss means golden waterfall, because the water has sometimes a golden colour.

Iceland, July 28, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

632. Thermal spring 3.

This picture has been seen
239 times
632. Under water there are beautiful mineral deposits. Because the water is boiling and therefore moving, there are all kinds of small distortions in the right part of the picture.

Iceland, July 28, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

631. Thermal spring 2.

This picture has been seen
245 times
631. In the neighbourhood of Strokkur there are a lot of thermal springs. You can also find the Geyser there, all geysers in the world got their name from this gusher. The Geyser does not work anymore.
The Icelandic name is Geysir which has a connection with the Old Norse word gjósa (to gush)

Iceland, July 28, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

630. Thermal spring 1.

This picture has been seen
209 times
630. The beautuiful mineral-rich water of a thermal spring close to Strokkur.

Iceland, July 28, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

629. Strokkur 3.

This picture has been seen
213 times
629. Here I asked the impossible from a camera. The contrast is so high that the sun is bound to be overexposed, although the sky is actually still underexposed. I took a few more pictures with the sun exactly behind the geyser, but here it became a huge white area because the light of the sun was being dispersed by the water and the steam.

Iceland, July 28, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)


628. Strokkur 2.

This picture has been seen
212 times
628. These children get a hot shower from Strokkur. The water from the geyser is boiling hot when it comes out, but it cools down quite rapidly in the air.

Iceland, July 28, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

This picture was also posted on:

627. Strokkur 1.

This picture has been seen
224 times
627. Strokkur is the best known geyser of Iceland.

Iceland, July 28, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

626. Seljalandsfoss 2.

This picture has been seen
204 times
626. Seljalandsfoss.
This waterfall is not only special because of its height, but also because of the fact that you can walk behind it. You need a raincoat though, because there are the occasional wind gusts.

Iceland, July 27, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

625. Seljalandsfoss 1.

This picture has been seen
211 times
625. The top of the Seljalandsfoss.
Foss means waterfall.
This waterfall is 65 meters high and is fed with melting water from the glacier Eyjafjallajökull.

Iceland, July 27, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

Webcam of the Katla:
The volcano the Katla is at the moment very restless.
The Katla lies under a glacier.
An eruption can have desastrous consequences for the peaceful town of Vik.
(Picture nr. 612 in Archives of October 2006)

624. Puffin 2.

This picture has been seen
226 times
624. Puffin on the rocks near Vik.

Iceland, July 26, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

623. Puffin 1.

This picture has been seen
230 times
623. Puffin on the rocks near Vik.

Iceland, July 26, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

614. Icelandic landscape 11.

This picture has been seen
220 times
614. Here you can see very well the extreem steepness of the rocks in this area. Near the beach there is a parking-lot. The beach consists of black lava sand.

Iceland, July 26, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

On some Icelandic roads in the interior, there are no bridges, you have to drive through the river. That is not always succesful:


613. Icelandic landscape 10.

This picture has been seen
222 times
613. This area is a nesting ground for seabirds, the puffin can be seen here too. Later I will show some pictures of this fascinating bird. Of course these places attract a lot of egg robbers.

Iceland, July 26, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

612. Icelandic landscape 9.

This picture has been seen
230 times
612. The town of Vik.
This picture was taken towards the east from about the same location as picture nr. 611.
It doesn't look very big, but for Icelandic measures this is a reasonably sized town. The white building second from the left is the hostel from picture nr. 609. In the middle on a hill you can see the church of picture nr. 608. In the village a swimming pool and a track for athletics.

Iceland, July 26, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)


611. Icelandic landscape 8.

This picture has been seen
226 times
611. Our son Ranto looking out over the Atlantic Ocean towards the west. In the distance the Dyrhólaey peninsula, a rock in the shape of a roman bridge. Dyr-hól-aey means door-hole-island.

Iceland, July 26, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

Pictures of a photography contest in Iceland

610. Icelandic landscape 7a.

This picture has been seen
211 times
610. I enlarged part of picture 609 and turned it upside-down. The strange thing is that it looks more natural than the original photograph. Here you can see the same effect as in the photographs 400, 401 and 402.
(See Archives September 2005)

Iceland, July 26, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

609. Icelandic landscape 7.

This picture has been seen
233 times
609. The shape of this erosion looks rather surrealistic.
In the foreground the hostel of vik.

Iceland, July 26, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

608. UFO near the church of Vik.

This picture has been seen
238 times
608. Finally I succeeded in photographing a UFO ;-)
When I looked at the picture on my screen I didn't understand at first what it was.
A possible explanation: It just so happened that an Arctic tern flew past when I made the exposure. With the zoomlens on 200 mm (300 mm when compared to 35 mm) and a shutter speed of 1/15 of a second this fighter jet among the seabirds became a strechted-out mark.

This picture was also posted on:
(on October 9, 2006)

Iceland, July 25, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

607. Rocks 2a.

This picture has been seen
246 times
607. This is picture 606 mirrored.
By making a mirror image the feeling of a photograph can sometimes change drastically. When your eye is ushered in from bottom left by the lines in a picture it usually gives a more pleasant composition than when this happens from the bottom right.

Iceland, July 25, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

606. Rocks 2.

This picture has been seen
223 times
606. These forms developed because the lava cooled down very rapidly.

Iceland, July 25, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

605. Rocks 1.

This picture has been seen
232 times
605. Basalt formation on the beach near Vik.
In the foreground the black beach of lava sand.

Iceland, July 25, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

604. Moss 3.

This picture has been seen
209 times
604. Trolls really exist in Iceland.

Iceland, July 24, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

603. Icelandic landscape 6.

This picture has been seen
244 times
603. Gorge near Kirkjubaerklauster.
Kirkju-baer-klauster means something like church-farm-monastery. Originally baer means farm, but now it often means village. In Iceland farms have sometimes grown into small villages, and in some cases even into towns.

Iceland, July 24, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

602. Moss 2.

This picture has been seen
222 times
602. Some birchtrees managed to get a foothold on this mossfield, they are about 4 inches high. These trees are masters in adapting to the circumstances. They stay, if need be, close to the ground and spread out like a strawberry-plant. Bonsai before the term existed.

Iceland, July 24, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

601. Moss 2.

This picture has been seen
244 times
601. The colour of moss changes with the degree of humidity. When dry it's almost grey, but as soon as a drop of water falls on it, it changes to a beautiful green. Here you can see that the moss doesn't have the same humidity everywhere.

Iceland, July 24, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)


600. Icelandic landscape 5.

This picture has been seen
196 times
600. A farm with the roof in the complementary colour of the surrounding area, that's very common in Iceland. In the foreground a lava-field overgrown with moss. It looks very soft, and that's what it is, but underneath there are razor-sharp pieces of solidified lava.

Iceland, July 24, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

599. Icelandic landscape 4.

This picture has been seen
258 times
599. The breast of mother Earth.
In the foreground lava chunks overgrown with moss.

Iceland, July 23, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

598. Icelandic landscape 3.

This picture has been seen
218 times
598. Beautiful man-made patterns with green tints and shades.

Iceland, July 23, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

597. Icelandic landscape.2.

This picture has been seen
219 times
597. You can see these plastic-covered hay-bales everywhere in the summer. They came in black, white and green.
Iceland, July 23, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

Guestlink for the fans of the Icelandic band: Sigur Ros:

596. Birches.

This picture has been seen
300 times
596. Iceland doesn't have many trees, although they are really trying to change that. Birches are reasonably well equipped against the cold climate, But they stay small and often have crooked trunks.
Iceland, July 23, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

595. Farmstead with cold runnig water.

This picture has been seen
215 times
595. An old farmstead. The beautiful rust colours make a nice contrast with the green surroundings, although the farmer probably doesn't see the beauty of rust. The waterfall gets its water from the Vatnajökull.
Iceland, July 23, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

592. Vatnajökull 22.

This picture has been seen
229 times
594. The blue shadowy parts give depth to this picture.
Iceland, July 23, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

591. Vatnajökull 21.

This picture has been seen
194 times
591. The difference between the thumbnail and the enlarged picture shows the feeling one has in reality. From a distance the glacier looks reasonably flat, but when you come closer you see how dangerous the surface is. It's not advisable to walk on it without a guide and the right equipment.
Iceland, July 23, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

590. Vatnajökull 20. (9:42 p.m.)

This picture has been seen
213 times
590. At this lakeside we spent the night in our camper as we did in 1999. We were all alone from 7:00 p.m. till 10:00 a.m. The peace was only disturbed by the crying of seals and the occasional loud bang followed by a splash when a piece of ice would break from the glacier.
Iceland, July 21, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

Well, it's still there in these digital times: black-and-white photography:

589. Vatnajökull 19. (9:27 p.m.)

This picture has been seen
214 times
589. It's amazing how many subtle colour shades you can see in the glacier ice. With this evening light you can see a lot more shades than in daylight. You can see this even better in picture 585. Due to the skimming light from the back the texture is clearly visible.
Iceland, July 21, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

588. Vatnajökull 18. (9:26 p.m.)

This picture has been seen
223 times
588. In Iceland you can see steam coming from the ground sometimes, but these are clouds.
Iceland, July 21, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

587. Vatnajökull 17. (9:22 p.m.)

This picture has been seen
227 times
587. Because the fog and the clouds were moving fast, the light on the glacier changed almost every second.
Iceland, July 21, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

The BBC programme Countryfile has a yearly photo contest, here you can see the 12 finalists:

586. Vatnajökull 16. (9:21 p.m.)

This picture has been seen
237 times
586. I called this glacier the Vatnajökull, but actually this branch of Europe's largest glacier is called Breidamerkurjökull.
July 21, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

585. Vatnajökull 15. (9:19 p.m.)

This picture has been seen
231 times
585. This picture was taken just before the previous one, but a little more to the right.
In this picture you can see that a glacier is a very slow moving ice river.
July 21, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

584. Vatnajökull 14. (9:19 p.m.)

This picture has been seen
216 times
584. Above the glacier fog will easily form when the sun and thus the heat is gone. One ray of sun can cause a fantastic effect.
( July 21, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

583. Vatnajökull 13.

This picture has been seen
229 times
583. History twisted.
This piece of ice was upright first, it toppled over under its own weight. The black layers are volcanic ashes of many centuries old.

This will be the last picture of the ice sculpture series for the time being, tomorrow I will start a new series: evening light above the glacier.
( July 22, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

582. Vatnajökull 12.

This picture has been seen
209 times
582. This picture too was taken with backlight, the ice gets a nice light rim this way. Don't trust your lightmeter with scenes like this. A lightmeter is no more than a stupid little machine that measures the light in one or more spots, then it makes an avarage of that. The sky gives a lot of light so you shouldn't measure that. I only measured the light in the bottom right, that's why the people became silhouettes.
The picture was taken from a moving "boat", I waited for exactly the moment that the dark hill made little dark lines between the sky and the ice.
The "boat":
July 22, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)


581. Vatnajökull 11.

This picture has been seen
184 times
581. And what does this make you think of?
When Napoleon saw the pyramids and the sphinx he allegedly said to his soldiers: "Forty centuries look down upon you". The ice of this "sphinx" is probably a lot older than forty centuries.
July 22, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

580. Vatnajökull 10.

This picture has been seen
213 times
580. With a little imagination you can see a couple of animals in this picture, and top right some buttocks. This phenomenon is called pareidolia:
July 22, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

579. Vatnajökull 9.

This picture has been seen
231 times
579. The next morning.
Sunlight contains all the colours of the spectrum. When the glacier ice is still very compact, without cracks and/or air bubbles, it absorbs all colours except blue, that's why the ice has a blue colour. In the previous picture the ice has become a lot more porous, then it looks white or glasslike.
July 22, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

578. Vatnajökull 8. (9:35 p.m.)

This picture has been seen
244 times
578. This ice scuplture is as opposed to the ones in the previous pictures very small, about 1 foot wide. It was taken in backlight. I chose my position in such a way that the sunlight gives an optimum effect. Very small movements with the camera up or down or to the left or the right gave a big difference in the amount of light shining through the ice. Because the water reflects hardly any light the contrast is even larger. A bigger difference in light between this picture and picture nr. 576 is hardly possible, still they were both taken on the same night with only 45 minutes between.
July 21, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

577. Vatnajökull 7. (9:45 p.m.)

This picture has been seen
248 times
577. This is a zoomed version of picture 574.
The photograph was taken at 9:45 p.m. on the same evening as the 5 previous ones. In summer the days are long and the nights are short in Iceland.
July 21, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)


576. Vatnajökull 6. (8:50 p.m.)

This picture has been seen
269 times
576. This picture was taken when the sky was overcast.
At 8:50 p.m. I didn't expect the sun to come out again, but it still happened: the previous picture was taken at 9:30 p.m.
Later there was really beautiful light just over the glacier.
These pictures will be posted later.
I chose a position where the reflection of the top still falls within a dark patch of water.
The black stripes in the ice are layers of ashes from various volcano eruptions.
July 21, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

575. Vatnajökull 5. (9:30 p.m.)

This picture has been seen
234 times
575. In this picture the same light as in yesterday's.
In Iceland the weather, and hence the light, can change by the minute. It's always fascinating to see how the same place can look totally different with different light.
July 21, 2006.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

574. Vatnajökull 4.

This picture has been seen
200 times
574. This picture is dominated by the two round ice shapes and their reflection in the water, the reflection of the two mountain tops give a nice "echo"
Ice is very difficult to photograph. Especially when the sun is shining it reflects a lot more light than the surroundings. The contrast is then much too high. Of course you can expose so that the ice is exactly right, but then the surroundings will be too dark.
With an overcast sky the contrast is a lot lower. Yesterday's picture is an example of this. In today's picture the sun is shining but the light comes from the back left, that gives a nice rim to the ice so that it stands out more clearly against the dark background.
July 21, 2006.
(Copyright: Henk Bakker)

573. Vatnajökull 3.

This picture has been seen
192 times
573. The coming days a series of ice sculptures in the Jökullsarlon.
July 21, 2006.
(Copyright: Henk Bakker)

572. Vatnajökull 2.

This picture has been seen
190 times
572. Jökullsarlon. This means something like glacier lake. A glacier is actually a slow moving ice river. The Vatnajökull slowly crumbles away into this lake. The big pieces of ice melt under the influence of the sun. It makes for beautiful ice sculptures.
July 21, 2006.
(Copyright: Henk Bakker)

Pictures of trips in 1999 en 2000 in archives:
(Picture 454)

571. Icelandic landscape 1.

This picture has been seen
208 times
571. You can find this kind of small lake everywhere, icy cold and the water is crystal-clear.
The light in Iceland can change by the minute.
Top right you can see the beginning of 5 minutes of sun, followed by 5 minutes of rain.
The advice in Iceland: If you don't like the weather wait for 5 minutes.
July 21, 2006.
(Copyright: Henk Bakker)

Pictures of trips in 1999 en 2000 in archives:
(Picture 327)

570. Vatnajökull 1.

This picture has been seen
215 times
570. The Icelandic glacier the Vatnajökull is the largest of Europe.
When I took this picture it was heavily clouded and it drizzled, that's why it has such an eerie atmosphere. Colours are always at their best with this kind of light.
July 21, 2006.
(Copyright: Henk Bakker)

Pictures of trips in 1999 en 2000 in archives:

Dans om de vulkaan.

This picture has been seen
158 times
A book by a friend of mine. I met her for the first time on a winter trip to Iceland. She got the inspiration for this book while on this trip. There is a small part for me in the book as "the cameraman" Unfortunately this book has not yet been translated into English.


454. Iceland, August 1999.

This picture has been seen
225 times

454. Jökullsarlon.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)
Repeat of archive photographs:

327. Iceland, winter 2000..

This picture has been seen
253 times
327. Landscape in Iceland nr. 21.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)

326. Iceland, winter 2000..

This picture has been seen
282 times
326. Landscape in Iceland nr. 20.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)
All previous photographs can be found in ARCHIVES, click on the month of your choice.

325. Iceland, winter 2000..

This picture has been seen
218 times
325. Landscape in Iceland nr. 19.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)

324. Iceland, winter 2000..

This picture has been seen
250 times
324. Landscape in Iceland nr. 18.
"Two gigantic toads fight over a farm"
(copyright: Henk Bakker)
You can upload your own photographs to this site:

323. Iceland, August 1999.

This picture has been seen
250 times
323. Landscape in Iceland nr. 17.
"Two gigantic toads fight over a farm"
(copyright: Henk Bakker)

322. Iceland, August 1999.

This picture has been seen
242 times
322. Landscape in Iceland nr. 16.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)

321. Iceland, August 1999.

This picture has been seen
263 times
321. Landscape in Iceland nr. 15.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)

320. Iceland, August 1999.

This picture has been seen
253 times
320. Landscape in Iceland nr. 14.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)

319. Iceland, August 1999.

This picture has been seen
244 times
319. Landscape in Iceland nr. 13.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)

318. Iceland, August 1999.

This picture has been seen
241 times
318. Landscape in Iceland nr. 12.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)

317. Iceland, August 1999.

This picture has been seen
260 times
317. Landscape in Iceland nr. 11.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)

316. Iceland, August 1999.

This picture has been seen
229 times
316. Landscape in Iceland nr. 10.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)

315. Iceland, August 1999.

This picture has been seen
266 times
315. Landscape in Iceland nr. 9.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)

314. Iceland, August 1999.

This picture has been seen
263 times
314. Landscape in Iceland nr. 8.
The Gullfoss waterfall, gullfoss means Golden Waterfall.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)

313. Iceland, August 1999.

This picture has been seen
261 times
313. Landscape in Iceland nr. 7.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)

312. Iceland, August 1999.

This picture has been seen
5910 times
312. Landscape in Iceland nr. 6.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)

311. Iceland, August 1999.

This picture has been seen
255 times
311. Landscape in Iceland nr. 5.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)

310. Iceland, August 1999.

This picture has been seen
256 times
310. Landscape in Iceland nr. 4.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)

309. Iceland, August 1999.

This picture has been seen
247 times
309. Landscape in Iceland nr. 3.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)

308. Iceland, August 1999.

This picture has been seen
239 times
308. Landscape in Iceland nr. 2.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)

307. Iceland, August 1999.

This picture has been seen
235 times
307. Landscape in Iceland nr. 1.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)

306. Iceland, August 1999.

This picture has been seen
252 times
306. The Dettifoss waterfall in eastern Iceland. (copyright: Henk Bakker)
Photography from India by Gautam Narang:

206. Iceland, summer 1999.

This picture has been seen
231 times
206. "Green with Red nr. 9"
You shouldn't miss this site, beautiful nudes by Jimini Hignett:

205. Iceland, summer 1999.

This picture has been seen
251 times
205. "Green with Red nr. 8"
Tired of flying.
This photograph was taken at the same location as the previous one. The blur in fore- and background was caused by taking a very low viewpoint and the use of a telephoto lens with a large aperture. Green and red are complementary colours and enhance each other, the yellow cap is mirrorred in the yellow dandelions.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)

204. Iceland, summer 1999.

This picture has been seen
250 times
204. "Green and Red nr. 7"
(copyright: Henk Bakker)
I'm so happy, I could fly.
Our son Ranto when he was about seven and a half years old.
Talking about flying, have a look at Jeroen Schokker's site:
Stained glass art by Paul Leur:

203. Iceland, summer 1999.

This picture has been seen
258 times
203. "Green with Red nr. 6"
(copyright: Henk Bakker)
The paintings by Kim Nelson:

198. Iceland, summer 1999.

This picture has been seen
233 times
198. "Green nr. 13"
(copyright: Henk Bakker)
Iceland is a country with beautiful light. That makes it a valhalla for photographers. Note the farm at the bottom right.
The site of Edward Herbeck. Beautiful compositions:

197. Iceland, summer 1999.

This picture has been seen
243 times
197. "Green nr. 12"
(copyright: Henk Bakker)
We travelled with our camper by ferry from Denmark to Iceland. One night we accidentally ended up on a road that was only suitable for off-the-road-vehicles. After a few hours of bumping along we decided to camp along the roadside. The next morning we woke up with this view.
The beautiful pencil drawings of Takeshi Kobayashi:

190. Iceland, summer 1999.

This picture has been seen
225 times
190. "Green nr. 5"
The freakish lavashapes are overgrown by a centimeters thick coating of moss.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)
Photography from Brasil by Dirceu Maués:
Simon Donikian does not only expose his artwork but also the seducer (and rest of the family) of his once wife:

189. Iceland, summer 1999.

This picture has been seen
236 times
189. "Green nr. 4"
You can walk behind the waterfall of Seljaland. A raincoat is no luxury item, with a sudden gust of wind you can get drenched.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)
Photography from Sweden by Anna Yu:

188. Iceland, summer 1999.

This picture has been seen
220 times
188. "Green nr. 3"
Iceland is green and Greenland is ice.
The shapes of the bottom snowshape is echoed in the shapes of the moss.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)
Paintings and photography by Jojo Darski, very interesting work with original titles:

187. Iceland, summer 1999.

This picture has been seen
216 times
187. "Green nr. 2"
Moss on lavasoil. These plants are very delicate. Damage caused by cars like that in the foreground can remain visible for decades. It is absolutely forbidden to drive off the tracks.
(copyright: Henk Bakker)

156. Iceland, summer 1999.

This picture has been seen
258 times
156. "Stone nr. 24"
Because waves are actually curved watersurfaces the sunlight is bent the same way as it would by a lens. This has caused the pattern on the rocks. You can see the same effect in the previous photograph and also in the water picture at the top of this page. (That picture was taken in a swimming pool)
Follow this link for the work of the Dutch painter Henk Helmantel. By looking at paintings like this a photographer can learn a lot about composition and use of colour and light:

115. Iceland, Winter 2000.

This picture has been seen
243 times
115. "Snow and ice nr. 16"

113. Jökullsarlon, Iceland, Summer 1999.

This picture has been seen
243 times
113. "Snow and ice nr. 14"

112. Jökullsarlon, Iceland, Summer 1999.

This picture has been seen
226 times
112. "Snow and ice nr. 13"
The ice of the Vatnajökull, Europe's largest glacier, slowly crumbles away into a lake called Jökullsarlon. This form reminded me of the "Floating Sculpture" by the artist Marta Pan in the Dutch Kröller-Müller Museum. This sculpture also slowly revolves in the water because of the wind. See this link (click on bottom picture)

109. Gullfoss, Iceland, February 2000.

This picture has been seen
294 times
109. "Snow and ice nr. 10"
For more photographs click on an other month.

108. Gullfoss, Iceland, February 2000.

This picture has been seen
289 times
108. "Snow and ice nr. 9"
The Gullfoss (golden waterfall) is beautiful in summer, but in winter it's really spectacular. The small dots in the righthand top corner are people.

99. Jökullsarlon, Iceland, 1999.

This picture has been seen
242 times
99. "Sun nr. 12" and "Snow and ice nr. 4"
A piece of ice of the Vatnajökull. This is the biggest glacier of Europe. The ice slowly crumbles away into a lake called Jökullsarlon. The piece of ice is about 5 cm. thick.

92. Iceland, summer 1999.

This picture has been seen
243 times
92. "Water nr. 14"
I used a long shutterspeed and of course a tripod. In reality the waterfall is about 50 cm. high.

90 Dettifoss, Iceland, 1999.

This picture has been seen
234 times
90. "Water nr. 12"
Dettifoss is Europe's most powerfull waterfall. The grey colour is caused by the glacial debri that is taken along. I used a shutterspeed of 1/8 of a second. (tripod)

88. Iceland, 1999.

This picture has been seen
227 times
88. "Water nr. 10"
The crystal-clear water of an Icelandic fiord. Note the farm on the right and you get an idea of the vast solitude of this beautiful country.

87. Iceland, February 2000.

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218 times
87. "Water nr. 9"
Most of the eruptions were a lot smaller than this one. So I have a couple of pictures with the complete water plume. Still I chose this one, although it is a pity that the point is not showing, but after all this is the most spectacular one.
Note the change in hue of the blue sky from top to bottom. Due to the crisp freezing weather and the absence of airpolution in Iceland you can see beautiful blue skies there.

86. Iceland, February 2000.

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237 times
86. "Water nr. 8"
The geyser Strokkur a fraction of a second before the eruption. A geyser is a kind of shaft in the ground filled with water. That water is heated by volcanic action. Water reaches its boiling point at 100 degrees centigrade if the pressure is 1 atmosphere. At the bottom of the shaft the pressure is a lot higher because of the water column above it. So the water is heated well above 100 degrees. Because hot water is lighter than cold water it slowly rises. More to the top the pressure is getting lower and lower because the water column is getting less high. At a given moment the overheated water reaches an area where the pressure is so low that the water abruptly changes into steam. Steam takes up a lot more space than water, it can only escape upwards. So the water column is pushed up into the air with an enormous force. In the picture you can clearly see the ball of steam that causes the water surface to take a round shape. After that the cooled-off water slowly flows back into the shaft and the whole process starts all over again. It's a fascinating spectacle.

The word geyser is related to the English word gusher and comes from Old Norse.

65. Aurora Borealis, Iceland, February, 2000.

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238 times
65. Northern Lights in Iceland in February 2000, this picture was taken from a tripod with a 1600 ISO film. Picture nr. 2 in ARCHIVES (May) was taken in August 1999 with a 100 ISO film. A 1600 ISO film shows a lot more grain, but is a lot faster (needs a lot less light) For instance if you need a shutterspeed of 1/30 of a second with 100 ISO you can use 1/500 of a second with 1600 ISO. Or if you need a diafragm of f2,8 with 100 ISO you can use f11 with 1600 ISO.

17. Halo around the sun, Iceland, 1999.

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328 times
17. "Sun nr. 4"
This phenomenon is called halo. To improve the colours, this picture was very much underexposed. The following text is by courtesy of Erwin Kroll (Dutch tv weatherman): "The rainbow as well as the halo are caused by breaking and reflecting of light, but in the case of rainbows it happens inside falling drops, with halo's it is caused by ice crystals of which clouds are consisting. In case of the rainbow it is returning light, with the halo it is translucent light, according to the laws of physics something completely different, but both phenomena are very beautiful to see. I think that halo phenomena are just as frequent as rainbows, unfortunately we spend more time staring at the ground than looking at the sky"

2. Aurora Borealis, Iceland 1999.

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236 times
This picture was taken end of August 1999.
At night too the radiation of the sun can be seen.
Here in the shape of the Northern Lights on Iceland.
This was a time exposure from a tripod.
The small white dots are the stars, and a star is a sun too.

1. Suns, Iceland 1999

This picture has been seen
947 times
1. "Sun nr. 1"
Without light there is no photography.
The light on our planet comes directly or indirectly from the sun.
This picture (or actually pictures) was taken from a tripod.
With three minute intervals an exposure of the setting sun was made on the same piece of film.