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Zenmiru is a tri-lingual e-zine with a different perspective on photography.

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Hyundai H100
Hyundai H200
Land Rover 109

England 1
England 2
Ireland 1
Ireland 2
Iceland 1
Iceland 2
The Netherlands 1
The Netherlands 2
The Netherlands 3
The Netherlands 4
The Netherlands 5
New Zealand
Czech Republic

Nederlands English Nihongo
©  all pictures
Henk Bakker

eXTReMe Tracker

1657. New Year.

This picture has been seen
117 times
1657. BEST WISHES FOR 2012.

January 1, 2012.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1588. Zeeland 2.

This picture has been seen
124 times
1588. Dutch province of Zeeland.
Evening light.

The Netherlands, July 22, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1587. Zeeland 1.

This picture has been seen
167 times
1587. Dutch province of Zeeland.
Asparagus field in evening light.

The Netherlands, July 22, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1583. Tienhoven 5.

This picture has been seen
55 times
1583. At the canal at Tienhoven.

the Netherlands, July 3, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1582. Tienhoven 4.

This picture has been seen
72 times
1582. At the canal at Tienhoven.

the Netherlands, July 3, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1581. Tienhoven 3.

This picture has been seen
86 times
1581. An overflow in the canal at Tienhoven.

the Netherlands, July 3, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1580. Tienhoven 2 .

This picture has been seen
130 times
1580. A sluice in the canal at Tienhoven.

the Netherlands, July 3, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1579. Tienhoven 1.

This picture has been seen
113 times
1579. The canal at Tienhoven.
The Dutch Hwang Ho (Yelow River)

the Netherlands, July 3, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1578. Zwolle 7.

This picture has been seen
81 times
1578. The road to the town of Kampen 3.

the Netherlands, June 19, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1577. Zwolle 6.

This picture has been seen
67 times
1577. The road to the town of Kampen 2.

the Netherlands, June 19, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1576. Zwolle 5.

This picture has been seen
66 times
1576. The road to the town of Kampen 1.

the Netherlands, June 19, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1575. Zwolle 4.

This picture has been seen
72 times
1575. Car bridge across the river IJssel 2.

the Netherlands, June 19, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1574. Zwolle 3.

This picture has been seen
74 times
1574. Car bridge across the river IJssel 1.

the Netherlands, June 19, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1573. Zwolle 2.

This picture has been seen
63 times
1573. The railway bridge across the river IJssel 2.

the Netherlands, June 19, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1572. Zwolle 1.

This picture has been seen
82 times
1572. The railway bridge across the river IJssel .

the Netherlands, June 19, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1571. Loosdrecht 41.

This picture has been seen
71 times
1571. Maizefield and barleyfield.

the Netherlands, June 2, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1570. Loosdrecht 40.

This picture has been seen
68 times
1570. Barleyfield with tree shadows.

the Netherlands, June 2, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

Beautiful photography by Marsel van Oosten:

1569. Flevoland 5.

This picture has been seen
59 times
1569. View from the Knardijk 3.

the Netherlands, June 2, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1568. Flevoland 4.

This picture has been seen
62 times
1568. View from the Knardijk 2.

the Netherlands, June 2, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1567. Flevoland 3.

This picture has been seen
55 times
1567. View from the Knardijk 1.

the Netherlands, June 2, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1566. Flevoland 2.

This picture has been seen
82 times
1566. The verge of the road in the previous picture.

the Netherlands, June 2, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1565. Flevoland 1.

This picture has been seen
76 times
1565. A small road in the province of Flevoland.

the Netherlands, June 2, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1564. Open-Air Museum, Arnhem 11.

This picture has been seen
120 times
1564. Farm from Groningen.
The inside of the tiled roof of the barn.

the Netherlands, April 22, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1563. Open-Air Museum, Arnhem 10.

This picture has been seen
3001 times
1563. Friesian farm.
Head, neck and body type.
Head: Living area.
Neck: Connecting part.
Body: Barn.

the Netherlands, April 22, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1562. Open-Air Museum, Arnhem 9.

This picture has been seen
81 times
1562. Horse paddock.

the Netherlands, April 22, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1561. Open-Air Museum, Arnhem 8.

This picture has been seen
89 times
1561. Traditional Dutch farmhouse from West-Friesland 2.

the Netherlands, April 22, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1560. Open-Air Museum, Arnhem 7.

This picture has been seen
109 times
1560. Traditional Dutch farmhouse from West-Friesland 1.
(West-Friesland is not part of the province of Friesland but of the province of North-Holland)

the Netherlands, April 22, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1559. Open-Air Museum, Arnhem 6.

This picture has been seen
108 times
1559. Boatyard.
(From the former island of Marken))

the Netherlands, April 22, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1558. Open-Air Museum, Arnhem 5.

This picture has been seen
91 times
1558. The double drawbridge 2.

the Netherlands, April 22, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1557. Open-Air Museum, Arnhem 4.

This picture has been seen
130 times
1557. The double drawbridge 1.
(From the village of Ouderkerk aan de Amstel)

the Netherlands, April 22, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

Beautiful natural art:

1556. Open-Air Museum, Arnhem 3.

This picture has been seen
120 times
1556. Farm building.

the Netherlands, April 22, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1555. Open-Air Museum at Arnhem 2.

This picture has been seen
2212 times
1555. This farm building houses a horse-driven oil mill.

the Netherlands, April 22, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1554. Open-Air Museum at Arnhem 1.

This picture has been seen
203 times
1554. Tree with shadow on thatched roof.

the Netherlands, April 22, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1553. Loosdrecht 39.

This picture has been seen
59 times
1553. Beeches.

the Netherlands, April 17, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1552. Loosdrecht 38.

This picture has been seen
79 times
1552. Beeches.

the Netherlands, April 17, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1551. Loosdrecht 37.

This picture has been seen
69 times
1551. Old farm.

the Netherlands, April 17, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1550. Loosdrecht 36.

This picture has been seen
68 times
1550. The meadows near Loosdrecht.

the Netherlands, April 17, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1549. The woods near Loosdrecht 36.

This picture has been seen
139 times
1549. Beeches.

the Netherlands, April 17, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

A start has been made with classifying the pictures by country. In the menu on the left a choice can be made. Some pictures are still in Archives but in the coming days they will be moved to the new menu.

1548. The woods near Loosdrecht 35.

This picture has been seen
118 times
1548. Morning haze 2.

the Netherlands, April 17, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1547. The woods near Loosdrecht 34.

This picture has been seen
145 times
1547. Morning haze 1.

the Netherlands, April 17, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1546. The woods near Loosdrecht 33.

This picture has been seen
129 times
1546. The garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal.

the Netherlands, April 9, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1545. The woods near Loosdrecht 33.

This picture has been seen
112 times
1545. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 25.

the Netherlands, April 9, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1544. The woods near Loosdrecht 32.

This picture has been seen
115 times
1544. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 24.

the Netherlands, April 9, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1543. The woods near Loosdrecht 31.

This picture has been seen
132 times
1543. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 23.

the Netherlands, April 9, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1542. The woods near Loosdrecht 30.

This picture has been seen
114 times
1542. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 22.

the Netherlands, April 9, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1541. The woods near Loosdrecht 29.

This picture has been seen
119 times
1541. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 21.

the Netherlands, April 9, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1540. The woods near Loosdrecht 28.

This picture has been seen
120 times
1540. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 20.

the Netherlands, April 9, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1539. The woods near Loosdrecht 27.

This picture has been seen
121 times
1539. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 19.

the Netherlands, April 9, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1538. The woods near Loosdrecht 26.

This picture has been seen
106 times
1538. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 18.

the Netherlands, April 9, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1537. The woods near Loosdrecht 25.

This picture has been seen
84 times
1537. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 17.
Detail of the sculpture from the previous picture.

the Netherlands, April 9, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1536. The woods near Loosdrecht 24.

This picture has been seen
116 times
1536. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 16.

the Netherlands, April 9, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1535. The woods near Loosdrecht 23.

This picture has been seen
109 times
1535. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 15.

the Netherlands, April 9, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1534. The village of Vreeland 12.

This picture has been seen
132 times
1534. Orchard.

the Netherlands, March 16, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1533. The village of Vreeland 11.

This picture has been seen
155 times
1533. Bandstand.

the Netherlands, March 16, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1532. The village of Vreeland 10.

This picture has been seen
154 times
1532. Façade 4.

the Netherlands, March 16, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1531. The village of Vreeland 9.

This picture has been seen
154 times
1531. Façade 3.

the Netherlands, March 16, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1530. The village of Vreeland 8.

This picture has been seen
144 times
1530. Façade 2.

the Netherlands, March 16, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1529. The village of Vreeland 7.

This picture has been seen
128 times
1529. Façade 1.

the Netherlands, March 16, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1528. The village of Vreeland 6.

This picture has been seen
136 times
1528. Houses along the river Vecht.

the Netherlands, March 16, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1527. The village of Vreeland 5.

This picture has been seen
145 times
1527. Footpath along the river Vecht.

the Netherlands, March 16, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1526. The village of Vreeland 4.

This picture has been seen
143 times
1526. The drawbridge across the river Vecht at Vreeland 4.

the Netherlands, March 16, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1525. The village of Vreeland 3.

This picture has been seen
152 times
1525. The drawbridge across the river Vecht at Vreeland 3.

the Netherlands, March 16, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1524. The village of Vreeland 2.

This picture has been seen
135 times
1524. The drawbridge across the river Vecht at Vreeland 2.

the Netherlands, March 16, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1523. The village of Vreeland 1.

This picture has been seen
159 times
1523. The drawbridge across the river Vecht at Vreeland 1.

the Netherlands, March 16, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1489. Loosdrecht 35.

This picture has been seen
92 times
1489. Snow 8.
This road is within walking distance from our house. Every time the light is different. This time warm evening light.

the Netherlands, December 18, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1488. Solar eclipse.

This picture has been seen
239 times
1488. Solar eclipse of January 4, 2011.
Unfortunately it was cloudy and I was driving in busy trafic. All of a sudden there were a few sunrays and I found an opportunity to stop. Quickly I took some pictures. The whole phenomena lasted about 30 seconds. I enlarged the picture a couple of times with Photoshop.
Nikon D50- 1/2500 sec.- F8- 300mm.

The previous one was in the summer of 2003.
Pictures 13 and 14, then they were still analogue.

I was reasonably happy with my picture, but this one is quite something else:

the Netherlands, January 4, 2011.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1487. Loosdrecht 34.

This picture has been seen
108 times
1487. Snow 7.

the Netherlands, December 18, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1486. 2011.

This picture has been seen
97 times

the Netherlands, December `31, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1485. Loosdrecht 33.

This picture has been seen
100 times
1485. Snow 6.
Without sunlight most landscapes often look bluish in colour. With a little bit of sunshine in the foreground it looks a lot warmer. In the far distance there is also just a little bit of sunshine.

the Netherlands, December 18, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1484. Loosdrecht 32.

This picture has been seen
73 times
1484. Snow 5.

the Netherlands, December 18, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1483. Loosdrecht 31.

This picture has been seen
85 times

1483. Snow 4.

the Netherlands, December 18, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1482. Loosdrecht 30.

This picture has been seen
86 times
1482. Snow 3.

the Netherlands, December 18, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1481. Loosdrecht 29.

This picture has been seen
70 times
1481. Snow 2.
Shrubs covered with a thick layer of snow.

the Netherlands, December 18, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1480. Loosdrecht 28.

This picture has been seen
87 times
1480. Snow 1.

the Netherlands, December 18, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1464. Autumn colours 8.

This picture has been seen
199 times
1464. Along the road in the previous picture.
The same trees as in the previous picture.

Netherlands, October 31, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1463. Autumn colours 7.

This picture has been seen
183 times
1463. Along the road in the previous picture.

Netherlands, October 31, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1462. Autumn colours 6.

This picture has been seen
162 times
1462. Along the road in the previous picture.

Netherlands, October 31, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1461. Autumn colours 5.

This picture has been seen
162 times
1461. This picture was taken on the same spot as the previous one. The footpath is to the right of the row of trees.

Netherlands, October 31, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1460. Autumn colours 4.

This picture has been seen
184 times
1460. Footpath.

Netherlands, October 31, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1459. Autumn colours 3.

This picture has been seen
151 times
1459. The birch behind our house.

Netherlands, October 31, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1458. Autumn colours 2.

This picture has been seen
158 times
1458. The beech behind our house.

Netherlands, October 31, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1457. The woods near Loosdrecht 22.

This picture has been seen
178 times
1457. Very striking this year is that there are already lots of coloured leaves on the ground while the trees are still green.

Netherlands, October 19, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1456. The woods near Loosdrecht 21.

This picture has been seen
188 times
1456. I'm always amazed by the fact how important the right light is for photography. Today I was at this same spot and it looked totally different because of the bleak weather.

Netherlands, October 19, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1455. The woods near Loosdrecht 20.

This picture has been seen
185 times
1455. Bicycle path and footpath.

the Netherlands, October 19, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1454. The woods near Loosdrecht 19.

This picture has been seen
204 times
1454. Same woods but a very different atmosphere.

the Netherlands, October 19, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1453. The woods near Loosdrecht 18.

This picture has been seen
164 times
1453. The woods after a down-pour.

the Netherlands, October 19, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1452. The town of Bussum 2.

This picture has been seen
163 times
1452. Restored water tower 2.

the Netherlands, September 12, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1451. The town of Bussum 1.

This picture has been seen
172 times
1451. Interior of a restored water tower.

the Netherlands, September 12, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1450. The town of Baarn 2.

This picture has been seen
200 times
1450. "The views are stunning here"

the Netherlands, August 28, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1449. The town of Baarn 1.

This picture has been seen
183 times
1449. Photographing people is something I did a lot in the past. From now on I'm planning to start with that again.

the Netherlands, August 28, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1448. Autumn colours 1.

This picture has been seen
212 times
1448. the Netherlands, October 3, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1447. The woods near Loosdrecht 17.

This picture has been seen
209 times
1447. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 14.

the Netherlands, October 3, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1446. The woods near Loosdrecht 16.

This picture has been seen
189 times
1446. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 13.

This site is a must-see:

the Netherlands, October 3, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1445. The woods near Loosdrecht 15.

This picture has been seen
181 times
1445. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 12.

the Netherlands, October 3, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1444. The woods near Loosdrecht 14.

This picture has been seen
186 times
1444. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 11.
The same statue as in picture 1407, only the light is better here.

the Netherlands, October 3, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1443. The woods near Loosdrecht 13.

This picture has been seen
161 times
1443. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 10.

the Netherlands, October 3, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1442. The woods near Loosdrecht 12.

This picture has been seen
172 times
1442. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 9.

the Netherlands, October 3, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1409. The woods near Loosdrecht 11.

This picture has been seen
187 times
1409. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 8.

the Netherlands, July 4, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1408. The woods near Loosdrecht 10.

This picture has been seen
160 times
1408. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 6.

the Netherlands, July 4, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1407. The woods near Loosdrecht 9.

This picture has been seen
179 times
1407. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 5.

the Netherlands, July 4, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1406. The woods near Loosdrecht 9.

This picture has been seen
150 times
1406. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 4.

the Netherlands, July 4, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1405. The woods near Loosdrecht 8.

This picture has been seen
278 times
1405. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 3.

the Netherlands, June 24, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1404. The woods near Loosdrecht 7.

This picture has been seen
286 times
1404. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 2.

the Netherlands, June 24, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1403. The woods near Loosdrecht 6.

This picture has been seen
272 times
1403. Exhibition in the garden of the former sanatorium Zonnestraal 1.

the Netherlands, June 24, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

Hyundai H100:
Hyundai H200:
Land Rover 109.

1402. Dutch landscape 62.

This picture has been seen
233 times
1402. Loosdrecht.

the Netherlands, June 24, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1401. Dutch landscape 61.

This picture has been seen
227 times
1401. Loosdrecht.

the Netherlands, June 24, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1400. Balloon ride 27.

This picture has been seen
246 times
1400. I couldn't have wished for better light: low sun and the occasional cloud.

the Netherlands, May 1, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1399. Balloon ride 26.

This picture has been seen
250 times
1399. Same location as previous picture.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1398. Balloon ride 25.

This picture has been seen
248 times
1398. I don't know the exact location of this picture: Utrecht, De Bilt or Bilthoven.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1397. Balloon ride 24.

This picture has been seen
265 times
1397. the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1396. Balloon ride 23.

This picture has been seen
250 times
1396. This is not a tree with some caseworms, but a meadow with sheep.
Taking pictures from a balloon is wonderful: slow speed, no airplane windows and you can shoot straight down.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1395. Balloon ride 22.

This picture has been seen
243 times
1395. Compared to the previous picture the influence of distance on clarity in a pfotograph is very obvious.
This picture is clear because of the short distance. In the previous picture the distance to the beach is more than 30 miles.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1394. Balloon ride 21.

This picture has been seen
246 times
1394. In the distance the North sea.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1393. Balloon ride 20.

This picture has been seen
239 times
1393. It was beautiful weather so we were not the only balloon in the sky.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1392. Balloon ride 19.

This picture has been seen
269 times
1392. The village of Westbroek.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1391. Balloon ride 18.

This picture has been seen
241 times
1391. The characteristic meadows west of the village of Loosdrecht 7.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1390. Balloon ride 17.

This picture has been seen
241 times
1390. The characteristic meadows west of the village of Loosdrecht 6.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1389. Balloon ride 16.

This picture has been seen
248 times
1389. Mondriaan landscape.
The characteristic meadows west of the village of Loosdrecht 5.
The diagonal lines cause an alienating optical effect. The picture looks more rhombic than triangular.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1388. Balloon ride 15.

This picture has been seen
294 times
1388. The airfield of Hilversum.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1387. Balloon ride 14.

This picture has been seen
277 times
1387. In the center of the picturte: the village of Breukeleveen.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1386. Balloon ride 13.

This picture has been seen
277 times
1386. Our town Loosdrecht.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1385. Balloon ride 12.

This picture has been seen
304 times
1385. The characteristic meadows west of the village of Loosdrecht 4.
The trip of 15 km. took about 1 hour and 10 minutes. Because the balloon moves with the speed of the wind, it feels like there is no wind.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1384. Balloon ride 11.

This picture has been seen
251 times
1384. In the past I took pictures from an airplane, but from a balloon it is a lot easier. It's a nice slow speed and shooting straight down is also easy.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1383. Balloon ride 10.

This picture has been seen
297 times
1383. The light conditions were changing by the minute.
The sun was already low, so there was beautiful skimming light.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1382. Balloon ride 9.

This picture has been seen
253 times
1382. A light aircraft circled around us a couple of times.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1381. Balloon ride 8.

This picture has been seen
289 times
1381. The characteristic meadows west of the village of Loosdrecht 3.
Ditches are usually parallel to each other and parallel lines normally converge to a vanishing point on the horizon.
In this picture the world seems upside down.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1380. Balloon ride 7.

This picture has been seen
286 times
1380. The characteristic meadows west of the village of Loosdrecht 2.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1379. Balloon ride 6.

This picture has been seen
272 times
1379. The characteristic meadows west of the village of Loosdrecht 1.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1378. Balloon ride 5.

This picture has been seen
281 times
1378. The first thing we were looking for, was of course our own street. The street that runs vertically in the middle of the picture.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1377. Balloon ride 4.

This picture has been seen
295 times
1377. We're airborne.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1376. Balloon ride 3.

This picture has been seen
230 times
1376. After the balloon is full of cold air the burners fill it up with hot air, the basket is still on its side.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1375. Balloon ride 2.

This picture has been seen
271 times
1375. The balloon is first filled with cold air.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)

1374. Balloon ride 1.

This picture has been seen
235 times
1374. On May 1, we made a balloon ride of over an hour from our home town Loosdrecht to Utrecht.

the Netherlands, May, 2010.
(© Copyright: Henk Bakker)